Welcome to the EDAG Group

young peoples' first step in their careers

Early September and the start of the new training year saw the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of 126 junior employees.

"Welcome to the team and have a good start to working life," was the message at the EDAG Group in Fulda on September 1. This was the day on which 126 young talents joined the engineering service provider to start their apprenticeships or dual study courses. From automotive mechatronics to electrical engineering and technical product design: the company is this year offering training in a total of 24 fields at 13 different locations throughout Germany. In addition, a total of 13 technical college interns also started in various different departments on August 1. EDAG's junior employees are between 16 and 28 years old. "We are delighted to have managed to attract so many talented youngsters to our training program this year. Once again, at this point: Welcome to the EDAG Group!" said Holger Merz, CFO of the EDAG Group.

The Welcome Days held in Fulda for all new trainees and dual students are all about getting to know one another. In addition to receiving information on the EDAG Group, the young people were also able to meet their future training teams in person. On the second day, action and fun were on the agenda: there was a special outdoor experience in the Rhön, after which the apprentices and dual system students rounded off the day with a barbecue buffet and friendly conversation.

The start of the training year also marked the kick-off of a new apprentice project. On September 1, the EDAG Group's two trainee channels went live on social media: on Instagram (@EDAG_Ausbildung) and TikTok (@edaggroup). 

The project and editorial team consists of apprentices and dual students from the EDAG Group, who will fill the training channels with innovative, entertaining and exciting content.

In addition to its traditional apprenticeships, the EDAG Group also offers dual study programs and study-integrated training programs. For further information and vacancies for 2024 see: www.edag.com/de/karriere.
