
Management has decided on a Compliance Management System for the entire EDAG Group designed to permanently ensure Compliance with the statutory provisions and internal directives. The objective of all Compliance measures is to establish a globally-oriented uniform conduct based on the regulations and values of the EDAG Group and thus prevent damage to the company and its employees.

Due to the promotion of a business-ethical corporate culture, we all contribute to reduce the probability of misconduct and compliance violations. This coincides with the preventive character of compliance at EDAG and ultimately serves not only for the protection of the company, but also each individual employee. Our Compliance Organisation supports the Executive Management, managers and employees in their daily activities, provides orientation and information on legal and other binding rules of conduct.

Management Statement on Compliance

Our CFO Holger Merz talks about the importance of and adherence to ethical principles as guiding principles for our actions and our appearance in the market, as well as on respect and fair treatment of employees, customers and business partners as an integral part of our corporate culture.



EDAG Code of Conduct provides guidance

As a globally leading, independent engineering service provider in the automobile industry, we want to set benchmarks also in dealing with each other, with business partners and the environment. In order to make this transparent also for our partners, we defined our conduct standards in the EDAG Code of Conduct. It correlates with our value system, to combine corporate actions with ethical principles and thus to ensure compliance with the statutory regulations by way of ethical conduct at all times.

The Code of Conduct provides our employees with guidelines for lawful and fair conduct throughout the daily routine and to handle the available resources and the environment responsibly. We expect each and every employee to feel the same degree of obligation as the executive board and management to comply with our regulations and contribute to the success of the company by behaving responsibly and honestly at all times.

Human Rights and Environmental Standards in the supply chain

Compliance with human rights and international environmental standards are among the elementary pillars of the EDAG Group's business activities. It is in line with our value system that we do not tolerate child labor or forced labor of any form, and always ensure fair and humane working conditions that offer employees the opportunity to develop in a healthy and environmentally friendly working conditions at all times. We have already laid down these principles for our own business activities in our Code of Conduct and the EDAG Code of Ethics. With the entry into force of the German LkSG (Supply Chain Due Diligence Act) on 01.01.2023, we have now also redefined these requirements for our suppliers and summarized them in our policy statement.

Policy Statement on the implementation of Due Diligence Obligations pursuant to the
German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)

Report on the LkSG 2023

Supplier Code of Conduct

In addition, we have summarized the EDAG Group's expectations of the behavior of our suppliers and business partners in their business activities in the EDAG Supplier Code of Conduct. For us, these requirements form an essential basis and indispensable condition for a lasting and successful business relationship with EDAG.  The aim of the Supplier Code of Conduct is to ensure compliance with our values in terms of sustainability, working conditions, health and safety, the environment and business ethics in the supply chain.

We ensure compliance with, and monitoring of the principles presented by means of binding guidelines as part of our risk management system, whereby any violations can also be identified in our supply chain and remedied by initiating appropriate preventive and corrective measures.

EDAG Supplier Code of Conduct

EDAG Whistleblower system "EQS Integrity Line"

With the EDAG Whistleblower System EQS Integrity Line, we provide our employees, business partners and stakeholders with an electronic information system. It allows the reporting of potential violations of rules via a secure portal.

The introduction of this digital solution is designed to uncover misconduct and risks at EDAG in order to prevent harm to employees, the company or external third parties. As a component of the EDAG Compliance Management System, it therefore meets the preventive concept.

EDAG Whistleblower system

Data privacy statement for customers and business partners

The protection of personal data of our contacts at customers, sales partners, suppliers and partners (hereinafter referred to as "business partners") is an important concern of EDAG Engineering GmbH and its German subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as "EDAG"). Therefore we process personal data in accordance with the applicable legal regulations for the protection of personal data and for data security.

EDAG Data privacy statement for customers and business partners



