EDAG Group is Future Workshop 4.0 Cooperation Partner

Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut (Minister for Economic Affairs for Baden-Württemberg and Head of the Transformation Council)
Official opening of the Future Workshop 4.0

The EDAG Group is one of the partners supporting the Future Workshop 4.0 with innovative technologies and solutions in the after sales field. Sponsored by the management team of the Transformation Council for the Automotive Industry in the state of Baden-Württemberg, the project aims to support companies in the motor industry in their early preparations for the technological transformation process.  On 15 November, 2021 the new building in Esslingen was officially opened by Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister for Economic Affairs and Labour for Baden-Württemberg and Head of the Transformation Council, Carried out under the responsibility of IfA, the Institute for the Automotive Industry, this project serves as an "innovation showcase",  and offers an ideal concept for testing new technologies and systems along the customer journey in sales and after sales. 
The Future Workshop 4.0 represents a physical space in which the structures and processes in the motor industry are depicted as realistically as possible.

The digital transformation process in the automotive industry will impact not only the vehicle manufacturers themselves, but also the future work situation in workshops and the after sales service.  "The new technologies have enormous potential for future business development in the after sales field," explains Bernd Waterkamp, Head of the Product Quality & Care (PQC) department. In PQC, the EDAG Group provides digital and future-oriented solutions for automotive after sales. "We provide our customers with sustainable support, from concept development, through technical documentation and communication,  product validation and optimisation, to the digitalisation of work processes - particularly in innovative fields like predictive maintenance and eLearning."

Especially in the field of digitalisation, the EDAG Group has in the past already developed innovative solutions - for instance the virtual paint booth, with the help of which apprentices, using a combination of a real paint spray gun and VR technology, can practice and improve their skills. The Future Workshop 4.0 provides users from the motor industry and engineering experts from the EDAG Group with the ideal setting for discussing these and other practical subjects.

About the "Future Workshop 4.0"

If Germany is to reinforce its position as an automotive leader in the future, companies in the motor industry need to prepare themselves for the technological transformation process in good time. The Future Workshop 4.0 in Esslingen near Stuttgart makes this possible. In the "innovation showcase", companies from the different branches of the automotive industry can test new technologies and systems along the customer journey in sales and after sales.
The Future Workshop 4.0 is therefore a real place in which the actual structures and processes of a car dealership can be represented realistically and feasibly. Responsibility for the project is in the hounds of the Institute of Vehicle Technology (IfF), and the Future Workshop 4.0 is being sponsored by the state of Baden-Württemberg.
Further information: www.ifa-info.de/zukunftswerkstatt
