Your Longstanding All-Round and Trustworthy Engineering Partner in the Defence Industry
The security and defence industry is not only challenging on account of the particular requirements it has with regard to legal and safety-relevant parameters; it must also meet market requirements from a technical point of view. The EDAG Group offers a comprehensive portfolio, beginning with the development and integration of protective systems, the simulative validation of blasting and ballistic scenarios, environmental trials, test validation, but also manufacturing electric/electronic components in low-volume series, including development of the software, through to technical editing in line with military standards and the corresponding visualisation in the VR/AR field.
Services for the Defence Industry
An Overview
Meet the increasing cost and time pressure by relying on the right engineering partner with knowledge of the industry. Our defence portfolio covers all aspects, to provide the best possible support for your development:
- Project management
- EDAG product development process (EDAG PDP)
- Requirements management
- Risk & change management
- Virtual development and simulation tools
- Data and release management
- Agile methods
- Technical documentation and editing
- In accordance with ASD/AIA S1000D
- With associated spare parts catalogues in accordance with ATA Spec S2000M
Creation of interactive, electronic technical documentation (IETD)
- Complete vehicle / package / ergonomics
- Definition of vehicle architectures
- Variability and modularity concepts
- Analysis of market trends and competitive environment
- Analysis of legal and market-specific requirements
- Commercial vehicle package and ergonomics design
Drive concepts and vehicle Integration
- Powertrain integration
- ntegration of alternative powertrains in new vehicle layouts
- Integration in existing commercial vehicle architectures
- Development and integration of protective systems
- Development of integrated protective cells in the visible and non-visible area in civilian and military standards
- Designing the protection kit in accordance with customers' or system partners' material and ballistic specifications
- Quality and tolerance management
- Q-process
- Supplier management
- Complaints management
- Definition, documentation and visualisation of geometric target specifications:
- Conducting three-dimensional tolerance calculations/simulations/analyses
- Visualisation of the tolerance variations
- Toleration of components (GD&T) in accordance with DIN ISO 1101 and ASME
- Function development
- Electrics / electronics / control units / software
- Vehicle electrics & electronics
- eDrive & energy systems
Comfort & body systems
- Peripheral recognition / visualisation / apps
- Connectivity & user experience
Autonomous drive & safety
- Virtual validation and testing
- Blast and ballistic simulation
- Creation of complete validation plans
- Support with preparation of homologation processes
- Rigidity, stability and misuse assessments
- Vibration and acoustics
- Operational strength and fatigue resistance
- Passive/active vehicle safety
- Flow simulations (aerodynamics, air conditioning, etc.)
- Electrical engineering/electronics calculations (EMV, thermomechanics, cables, circuit boards...)
- Prototype construction and low-volume production
- Production of steel parts and plastic components
- Production of assemblies
- Production planning: "modular equipment manufacturing"
- Architecture and construction planning / media supply planning
- Factory planning
- Moulding technology
- CFRP / plastics technology
- Body construction and paint planning
- Assembly planning
- Logistics planning
- Safety engineering services
All-Round Understanding of Defence-Related Challenges
Our experts have the necessary skills to handle specific customer projects with standards in the civilian and military sectors and to develop products in conformity with military standards such as STANAG (Standardization Agreement of the NATO member countries), VPAM (Association of Testing Bodies for Attack-Resistant Materials and Constructions) und NIJ (National Institute of Justice).

What We Have Already Achieved for Customers
Highlights from the Division

Development and Integration of Protective Systems
- Development of an integrated protective cell in the visible and non-visible area in civilian and military standards
- Designing the protection kit in accordance with customers' or system partners' material and ballistic specifications
- Weight tracking for all protective components
- Complete vehicle development
- Stiffness, stability and durability calculations
- Project management and documentation
- Supplier management (technical and schedule-related)
- Development of official/emergency vehicle equipment
- Generation of production documents
Impetus Blast Simulation
Simulation tasks:
- Simulation of of blast loads and ballistic effects on structures
- Reordering of certification volumes
- Adaptable detailed investigations
- Systematic analysis of weak points
- Impact scenarios in structures and target ballistics
- Simulation reconstruction of attack scenarios
- Concept studies and parameter optimisation
- Simulation of physical tests
Concrete applications:
- Military vehicle protection systems
- High-security civilian vehicles
- Protective equipment and secure rooms
- Individual protective components

Expert Knowledge on the Topic

In the defence industry, safety has a very special significance and its requirement is regulated and guaranteed by special standards. Since the beginning of 2021, a new certification standard "VPAM ERV - Edition 3" has come into force.
As an international engineering partner for armored vehicles, EDAG has developed and offers an on-demand online session to illustrate the changes in both the evaluation and certification process.
Register now for the recording of the online session free of charge!

E/E Component Development
- System architecture and planning: customer-specific assembly of systems and evaluation of their technical feasibility during the architecture phase
- Development (circuit diagram, layout, mechanical systems): conversion of the system architecture into a fully operational circuit diagram, including layout, paying particular attention to EMC-compliant design, lifecycle management, service life calculation and signal integrity. (PD, SPICE, signal integrity simulation)
- In-house production: prototype and low-volume production (<1000) on in-house production line.
- Commissioning, end of line, QA testing: testing and commissioning of individual assemblies, and creation of a suitable EOL (end of line) test
- Certification: system-oriented and with standardised design by ensuring that architecture and development conform to standards
Testing and Validation
Testing of military vehicle components and assemblies:
- Carrying out tests in accordance with MIL-STD-810G
- Mechanical validation and strength tests
- Endurance testing of hang-on parts
- Environmental simulation of electric and electronic components
- Individual test bench construction

Technical Editing
As a service provider, we have been supporting leading international system houses in the military field for a decade now, and have a wealth of experience in the civilian automotive sector on which we can draw.
- Interactive electronic technical documentation (IETD) in accordance with ASD/AIA S1000D and the associated spare parts catalogues in accordance with ATA Spec S2000M.
- Vehicle manuals, specification books and workshop literature for everything from individual components to complete vehicles for national and international users
- Creation of a logical structure, production of text and image material, and translation management
Augmented Reality (AR) /
Virtual Reality (VR)
3D digitalisation and visualisation - possible military applications:
- Training documents for the installation and removal of individual components and complex installation spaces
- Events and attendance at a trade fairs
- Assistance with complex tasks e.g. in design, maintenance, training
- Non-verbal preparation for use in technical editing (service literature and operating manuals)
- Acting as a bridge to military documentation standards, and editing in accordance with standards S1000, S2000 und H011.

Offset /
International Projects
EDAG has a global presence and various international branches. This results in a number of advantages to our defence customers:
- The potential to meet all offset and local content requirements of end customers
- Implementation of development projects across time zones and without interface-related loss
- Knowledge of the specific requirements and standards for vehicles
Let's talk about your specific application now!